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HTML & CSS for beginners: Build 3 projects from scratch
Introduction & Getting Started
Welcome & what we will be building (2:51)
Tools Required
What is HTML & CSS
Download images for Project 1
File & Folder Structure (4:01)
Basic HTML structure (9:38)
Useful Resources (6:25)
Project 1- MyRecipe Website
HTML5 Header section (11:23)
Styling the header (16:52)
HTML- Main content area (9:01)
Styling the main content (14:54)
HTML- Adding the footer (3:22)
Styling the footer (5:35)
Project 2- MyCollege Website
Download images for project 2
Setting up our responsive project (13:25)
HTML Header- Adding the menu and responsive images (9:56)
Adding the final HTML (16:46)
Mobile first styling- Header section (12:51)
Mobile first styling- Header section continued (5:02)
Final CSS for mobile view (10:47)
Introduction to CSS3 Media Queries and styling the tablet view (10:12)
Tablet styling continued (9:52)
Final CSS for larger devices and desktops (7:18)
Project 3- MyHotel Website
Download images for project 3
Introduction to Bootstrap & Setting up (5:34)
Adding the responsive navigation bar (6:12)
Including the sliding carousel & marketing area (8:29)
Finishing off with the featured area and footer (7:38)
Thank You and What now?
Thank you and what now? (0:42)
Keep learning
HTML- Main content area
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