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Introduction to GraphQL with Prisma
Welcome & Getting Started
Introduction & what this course covers (2:23)
What is GraphQL? (4:44)
What We Will be Building (3:33)
GraphQL Basics
Setting Up Our Project and GraphQL-Yoga (7:31)
Including sample Data to Work With (3:00)
First Look at TypeDefs and Resolvers (8:33)
Scalar Types & Passing in Arguments (10:16)
Custom object types (5:39)
Working with the context and arrays (8:21)
Automatically restating the server (2:44)
Refactoring our code (4:54)
Relationships Between Types
Relationships between types (1:55)
Creating Our Relationships Part 1 (8:02)
Creating Our Relationships Part 2 (8:23)
Mutations & Subscriptions
Introduction to mutations (8:22)
Movie and review mutations (10:04)
Subscriptions (8:08)
Prisma & connecting a database
Prisma setup (9:57)
Updating our datamodel (3:33)
Writing to the database (6:19)
Checking if data exists and creating conections (10:37)
Reading data with Prisma part 1 (6:02)
Reading data with Prisma part 2 (4:46)
Thank You
Thank you & next steps (3:58)
Keep on learning
Scalar Types & Passing in Arguments
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